Injects a select in an already generated website - like minisite one - enabling to switch between listed version from a folder. It can be combined with some javascript to switch between the websites without regenerating everything.



To call this goal from the command line execute: mvn yupiik-tools:inject-version.

To bind this goal in the build you can use:

        <!-- execution specific configuration come there -->

You can execute this goal particularly with mvn yupiik-tools:inject-version@my-execution command.



* means the parameter is required.

replacedString* (String)

String to locate and replace in the source files, can use a regex if prefixed with regex:. Property: `${yupiik.inject-version.replacedString}`.

replacingContent* (String)

String to inject into the output. <!-- generatedversionsselect --> is replaced by a select with one option per version found. Property: ${yupiik.inject-version.replacingContent}.

source* (

Source folder with the website to inject version to. Property: ${yupiik.inject-version.source}.

versionFolderParent* (

Root folder containing all versions. Property: ${yupiik.inject-version.versionFolderParent}.

charset (String)

Website encoding. Default value: ${}. Property: ${}.

excludes (List)

List of exclusions (for file processing). Similar to includes but enables to force an exclusion. Property: ${yupiik.inject-version.excludes}.

ignoredVersionFolders (List)

Enables to ignore some matching (to the pattern) version folders. Property: ${yupiik.inject-version.ignoredVersionFolders}.

inPlace (boolean)

Should the output be written in source (and target be ignored). Default value: false. Property: ${yupiik.inject-version.inPlace}.

includes (List)

List of inclusions (for file processing). It is a list of file names (not path) or regex if prefixed with regex:. Default value: `regex:.+\.html`. Property: `${yupiik.inject-version.includes}`.

selectProperties (Map)

Attributes to inject to the <select> when <!-- generatedversionsselect --> is used. Property: ${yupiik.inject-version.selectProperties}.

target (

Output folder if not inplace. Property: ${}.

versionFoldersPattern (String)

Pattern to match version folders in versionFolderParent. Default value: v?\p{Digit}+\.\p{Digit}+(\.\p{Digit}+?(\-[a-zA-Z0-9]+)?). Property: ${yupiik.inject-version.versionFoldersPattern}.