Custom attributes.



To call this goal from the command line execute: mvn yupiik-tools:slides.

To bind this goal in the build you can use:

        <!-- execution specific configuration come there -->

You can execute this goal particularly with mvn yupiik-tools:slides@my-execution command.


attributes (Map)

Custom attributes.

customCss (

Custom css if needed, overrides default one. Property: ${yupiik.slides.customCss}.

customScripts (String[])

Custom js if needed. Property: ${yupiik.slides.customScripts}.

mode ($Mode)

Which execution mode to use, WATCH and SERVE are for dev purposes. Default value: DEFAULT. Property: ${yupiik.slides.mode}.

port (int)

For SERVE mode, which port to bind. Default value: 4200. Property: ${yupiik.slides.serve.port}.

preferYupiikAsciidoc (boolean)

Should Yupiik asciidoctor-java be used instead of asciidoctorj (over jruby). While this is likely faster to bootstrap and render it is not as complete as asciidoctor as of today and requires to run at least on Java 17. Default value: false. Property: ${yupiik.minisite.preferYupiikAsciidoc}.

requires (List)

Warning: this must be a shared settings by all executions. Override defaults require - completely.

slider ($SliderType)

Which renderer (slide) to use. Default value: BESPOKE_ENRICHED. Property: ${yupiik.slides.slider}.

source (

Slide deck source file. Default value: ${project.basedir}/src/main/slides/index.adoc. Property: ${yupiik.slides.source}.

synchronizationFolders (List)

Synchronize folders.

targetDirectory (

Where to render the slide deck. Default value: ${}/yupiik/slides. Property: ${}.

templateDirs (

Template directory if set. Property: ${yupiik.slides.templateDirs}.

watchDelay (int)

How long to wait to check if render must be re-done in watch mode (in ms). Default value: 150. Property: ${yupiik.slides.watchDelay}.

workDir (

Where to extract files needed for the rendering. Default value: ${}/yupiik-workdir. Property: ${yupiik.workDir}.