Java is welcoming virtual threads - coroutines in most languages - but due to technical limitations, ThreadLocal will be too costly for them even if they work. To solve that, Java is creating structured concurrency but is it always the best solution?


Virtual Threads

ThreadLocal are a way to store a data in the context of the thread and get it back in a nested call even if the value was not passed as a parameter. A common example is to get the request:

public void myMethod() {
    final var httpRequest = MY_THREAD_LOCAL.get();

As you can see, the HTTP request is not a parameter but the value is read from the method. Technically it is often set from a servlet Filter or equivalent.

The issue with virtual threads is that you can get way more threads than with common threads - indeed since they are not threads but tasks in a shared executor service, it is literally like using yourself an executor service with tasks which can be suspended/restored so memory is the limit instead of the OS number of threads.

ThreadLocal being a bit costly so java created ScopedValue. The underlying idea is close but the API is different:

ScopedValue.where(REQUEST, httpRequest) (1)
 .call(() -> {
   try (var scope = new StructuredTaskScope.ShutdownOnFailure()) {
    final var result = scope.fork(() -> myMethod()); (2)
    return result;
  1. Binds the request in the scope REQUEST - created with ScopedValue.newInstance() and can be a static instance,
  2. In sub tasks, including fork ed ones, REQUEST will be readable.

In this example, myMethod can call REQUEST.get(), similarly to ThreadLocal code.


we can envision a future JDK where ThreadLocal are backed with limitations to ScopedValues a bit like got reimplemented with java.nio recently to make virtual threads more widely usable and efficient as in other languages.

JDBC and ThreadLocal

Strictly speaking there is no ThreadLocal in JDBC but they are used in most applications due to transaction management. A good example is the Spring `DataSourceTransactionManager` - or any other JTA/JakartaEE based manager. It uses a ConnectionHolder which is bound in a TransactionSynchronizationManager resource which ends in a `TransactionContextHolder` which is just a wrapper for a ThreadLocal.

High level, the need is to be able to wrap multiple calls and use the same transactions, however deep the calls are.

Java 8 was a game changer

Java always supported message passing pattern but Java 8 with lambdas, and a lighter syntax, enables to make it a first citizen of our code.

Concretely, it is very common now to replace interceptors with a method wrapper taking a lambda.

For example to make a method transactional, we went from:

public void myMethodWithTx() {
    // ...


public void myMethodWithTx() {
    withTransaction(() -> {
        // ...

Fusion ThreadLocal-less Database

As a quick reminder, Fusion persistence module is a light mapper on top of JDBC. You can see it as a light JPA without any relationship support, just bind ResultSet to Java records or the records to statements. This feature is encapsulated in a class called Database.

The first implementation inherited from our dozens of years of experience in JDBC support and reused the ThreadLocal API but since it was lambda based we were very easily able to modify the pattern to add to most methods the JDBC Connection.

So concretely we went from:



database.xxxx(jdbcConnection, ...);

As it was evangelized something like 8 years ago when Akka or reactive programming popped up, message passing - fact to use method parameters - enables to always have the context to use in the call.

Thanks to lambdas, it becomes easier to do since you can orchestrate calls more easily.

The impact is to add the context to methods, or said otherwise, ensure they have all their dependencies as parameters.

Using these patterns we now have in Fusion persistence method wrapping DataSource.getConnection and Connection.close in read/write mode. We wrapped it in a TransactionManager but this one does ont use any ThreadLocal, just plain lambdas: c) -> { /* ... */});

Now it becomes quite easy to pass the connection to the JDBC wrapping methods: ->
    connection, // the current connection
    MyModel.class, // bound record/model
    "select .....", // SQL query
    b -> b.bind("xxxx"))); // bound parameters (? valuesin the statement)

With that, if your JDBC driver does not pin threads (does not use synchronized for example), it will be virtual thread friendly and optimize the throughput of your application.


This post shows that, even if technically you can always implement complex solutions, getting back to the basics and the generic patterns adapted to your coding style enables to keep things simple and efficient.

As a generic mindset, it is always preferrable to use message passing when possible and really when not desired wrap it with ScopedValue if you know you will run in virtual threads or in ThreadLocal if in generic threads - see how things become more complex if you write a generic lib ;).

To learn more, you can check the online documentation and the source code repository .


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